So here it is, the first figure I every built and painted. A bit delayed, but winter has decided to be a complete bitch here in Minnesota. Not to mention I gained a cold during all of this. It’s the Luminators Frankenstein kit. As I mentioned before I got this figure, built it and then decided to paint him. Besides a neon orange monster seemed, well, a little weird to me. Now days this kinda tacky seems to appeal to me. That would at the very least explain my taste in films.
As I recall I painted this guy with a bunch of Testors flat military colors. I painted him in a manor that was very close to an action figure I had when I was younger. He was the
3 ¾” style type and he went in scale with my Star Wars and G.I. Joe figures. The only difference was that I decided to give human looking flesh. Well, since those days I’ve come to be a little more partial towards giving my Frank’s green flesh. I don’t know why for sure, but it works for me. One of the things that sticks out in my memory the most about painting him is that I actually used a safety pin to paint the scars! It made sense and it worked.
As you can probably tell, I was fishing around for ideas of how to paint him and I really didn’t know much about model building. I had a blast though. At this time he is looking a little worse for the wear, but he’s still on my shelf of completed kits. I’m proud of the work I did, even if it looks amateurish by some standards. Like I said before, I finally had a monster to build and paint. There was no way I was going to be stopped on this. I painted the Mummy next. I still have him, but he wound up being used for some paint experiments. Well, he’s not much to look at nowadays.
Dracula and the Wolfman found their way to the cement floor thanks to my cat knocking them down accidentally. I know he didn’t mean it, but those guys bit the dust none the less. Some small parts got lost and I just let it go. It would be a couple of years before I got back into making monsters. And boy am I glad I did. These things are just too damn cool not to want to make more of them.
So what’s next for my little blog?
First, the logo at the top of the page is going to be changed. That was just something I had laying around on the laptop. I’m not happy with the design at all. And being a graphic designer it really bothers the hell out of me.
Second, I’ll be doing a little write about my tattoos. I have my right arm sleeved with tattoos of the classic monsters. I love them. The idea worked. And once I have a really bad idea that people warn me against, I tend not to listen.
Third, I’m going to be finishing a dio for my Horizon Frankenstein. I repainted this past summer and want to go all out. The floor is done and the nameplate is paint (although it could use just a little touch up). I’m gonna sculpt out the walls and get the little things set up to make it all come together.
Fourth, I got some other nameplates and a dio to do. I order a bunch of nameplates from Fritz at the Headless Horseman. Seriously, these things are amazing. The detail is as sharp as the day is long. And you can tell that there’s a love and reverence for the films they represent. I’ve got about five to complete and one that is complete to be added to a base for my Horizon Moleman kit.
In other words, I going to be keeping myself as busy as possible while I’m in my 5th month of unemployment. Who ever said poverty is a good things needs to be punched. Hard. Square in the mouth.
After all of these things are done the plans are to start posting complete projects from start to finish. At the time I’m cleaning my work area off. At the moment it’s a mess and I’ve gotta get moving on stuff to get more of my kits done. I’d rather get them finished than say it’s time to sell off my whole collection. The first start to finish will be the Intlelig Crow. So there it is, I opened my mouth and I have to live up to it.
Well, I did it to myself.